
  Resonators, Reflectors, Chambers
  Pyramids, spheres
Audio modulated microwave magnetron used as a speaker, Plasma speakers or ionophones are a form of loudspeaker which varies air pressure via a high-energy electrical plasma instead of a solid.

  Cymatics, Frequency
  Sound generators, pipe organs
  Sound waves, harmonics
The cavity magnetron is a high-power vacuum tube used in early radar systems and subsequently in microwave ovens and in linear particle accelerators.


Sound energy, cymatics
Crop Circles, ball lightning, resonance
Sacred Geometry
Schumann Resonance
Chladni Plate - sonic stimulation of sand on a steel plate, revealing standing waves.

Review videos of cymatics on YouTube, showing stable shapes revealed on a steel plate as sand is subjected to various sound frequencies. Also, water moving in sound fields. The patterns look to be valid mandalas.

Cymatics to music - Sound waves activating water.


Estas Tonne - The Song of the Golden Dragon, classical guitar
Note his entranced concentration, emotion, facial expressions, intensity

sound healing
sound health - Tartaria
Pipe Organs

John Stuart Reid is an acoustic physics researcher. He has studied the physics of sound for four decades and is a respected authority in the field of cymatics. He is one of only two people to have studied the acoustics of the Great Pyramid and in 1997 he conducted a series of ground-breaking experiments in the pyramid’s King’s Chamber which led him to invent the CymaScope instrument, a new type of device that makes sound visible. Having experienced a significant healing of his lower back during his acoustics study of the Great Pyramid he began research into the field of sound healing, which continues to the present day.

Archeo-acoustics and properties of pyramid chamber resonance, ancient churches with large organs. tonality of chanting or songs that make my hair stand up, or produce a trance.

More to the point, however, we can re-create healing of old by generating stable and reliable tones (that must be so exact and precise as needed for the task of healing and awakening). Multiple speakers for each note as in pipe organs and bell arrays, copper, glass, and other materials, sizes, singing bowls partially filled with water, crosses over the line from enlightenment to physical healing. Explains how the audience is healed by their presence (presents, or gifts) in musical performance, as in the story, Boston Indian.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yAnbj4spS4s Tibetan copper singing bowl in slow motion partialy filled with water, good microphone

Music, real music, by master composers who masterfully mastered the composition or engineering of single notes or frequencies, combinations of notes in correct sequences as melodies for purposeful restoration, replenishment, recovery, of our energy bodies, as in acupuncture, and multiple tones played together at the same time (chords) and progression of chords, punctuated by selection of single notes and silences, the production of which must be guided by an understanding of the effects on the human system.

The world's largest fully functioning pipe organ is the Wanamaker Organ in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: Built into the former John Wanamaker department store, now Macy's, at 13th and Market streets, 7 stories high, with 28,750 pipes in 464 ranks. An American Symphonic school of design that combines traditional organ tone with symphony orchestra sounds. Originally built for the 1904 St Louis World's Fair, it was purchased by John Wanamaker, owner of a successful Philadelphia department store, and installed in his store.

St Stephen's Cathedral Organ: Located in Germany, with 17,774 pipes

Auditorio Nacional (National Auditorium): Located in Mexico, with 15,633 pipes

Newberry Memorial Organ: Located in the United States, with 12,617 pipes

San Maurizio al Monsatero Maggiore: Located in Milan, with a magnificent organ from 1554

'Universal Laws Never Before Revealed: Keelys Secrets,' by Dale Pond. natural harmony, sound and vibration

old churches from 1300s or egypt or caves, resonant frequencies, or combinations of tones, harmonies and interference, dissonance, vibrating water, cymatics, vibrating DNA, sound, energy, waking and initiating, moving ever faster, pipe organs, human internal organs and glands.

- Archaeoacoustics, Hertz Flinton Chalk -

Acoustic testing on a selection of man-made European Stone Age chambers dating from the 4th millennium BC, the majority of which were in Ireland. The aim was to discover the resonant frequency of each chamber. The results fell within a very narrow band of acoustic wavelengths, between 95 Hertz and 120 Hertz. The average resonant frequency of the acoustically tested chambers was found to be 111 Herzt. Once this frequency is emited in the chamber, the effect is to immerse the listener in sound, in this instance the sole frequency of 111 Hertz is amplified by the architecture, as it filters out other frequencies, creating an acoustic standing wave.

Many of us have experianced the the effect of a standing wave whilst singing in a tiled bathroom. When a prequency is accidentally sung, which correlates with the dimenaions of the tiled bathroom, that tone will create a momentary standing wave causing a booming or ‘immediate echo’ sensation. This is a demonstration of how the brain experiances this immersive standing wave. We are able to recreate this immersive experience electronically in our installations. 111 Hertz is a lower male baritone in the human vocal range and can be comfortably hummed, sung or spoken.

Subsequent research has established the potential beneficial medical attributes of the frequency of 111 Hertz. This audible frequency is reputed to be processed by and therefore directly stimulated by the right-hand frontal cortex of the brain, a problem area for autism and other emotional and development disprders such as anxiety, and Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD). This specific frequency is also associated with endorphin release, a potential non-addictive panacea for pain relief.

It has been observed that within a few minutes of exposure to 111 Hertz, Alpha state trance is induced in the listener, as neuronal activity moves within the brain from the left hand frontal lone to the right. At that point the language centers are ‘quietened’ along with increased Theta wave activity normally associated with sleep and cell regeneration, produced soley in the right hand prefrontal cortex. The overall effect is a subtle, altered state of consciousness, with the potential to train the brain to stimulate longer-term neuronal activity in the right hand hemisphere of the brain.

Ancient tech contains evidence of an advanced technology, and an evolutionary path beyond our present state. Examination of the world's key pyramid sites reveal them to be sophisticated harmonic structures, not only mirroring positions of the planets and stellar systems but, designed to mimic the chakras and harmonic cavities of the human body.

In Orkney, at the massive stone block of the Dwarfie Stane, which has chambers and passages that were hewn out of the solid rock in Neolithic times, they encountered another odd phenomenon: when they set up a resonant frequency inside the chamber using their voices, they found that the massive stone block and the air within it appeared to shake vigorously. The vibration was also evident to people standing outside on top of the tomb! (unsual amplification of the wave through large pieces of stone)

also, bluestone, such as stonehenge

Chambers were found to have a natural primary resonance frequency in the 95-120 Hertz band, with most at 110-112 Hz – this despite variations in sizes and shapes of the chambers. There was even evidence of “retro-fitting”, as if internal features within the chambers had been placed to “tune” the natural resonance to the required frequency. The great chamber of Newgrange resonates effectively at 110 Hz, and the 19m (62-foot) passage behaves like a wind instrument, with sound waves generated within the chamber filling it, their amplitude decreasing towards the entrance'.

Great pyramid - voice or sound activated 'light'

Even each stone within the Great Pyramid is harmonically tuned to a specific frequency or musical tone. The sarcophagus in the centre of the Great Pyramid is tuned to the frequency of the human heart beat.

Astonishing experiments, conducted by Dr. Hurtak and colleagues at the Great Pyramid and other sites in the South Americas, demonstrate the pyramids to be voice-activated "geophysical computers." Intoning specific ancient sounds, the scientific team produced visible standing waves of light, above and within the pyramids and were even able to penetrate, hitherto, inaccessible chambers. Subsequent discoveries indicate the ancient priest-scientists employed some sort of harmonic sound technology within the temple structures.

The lost Enochian knowledge reveals the mother tongue as a "language of Light". Known to the ancients as HIBURU. It is the primal seed language, introduced at the beginning of this time cycle. Modern research confirms, the most ancient form Hebrew to be a natural language, the alphabetic forms emerging from the phosphene flare patterns of the brain. The same shapes, in fact, born of a spinning vortex. It is a true language of light, coursing through our very nervous system. Encoding the natural waveform geometries of the physical world, Hiburu is a harmonic language, mimicking the waveform properties of light.


Hal Saflieni Hypogeum in Malta, Glenn Kreisberg

Understand how energy waves behave when interacting with the stone construction and architectural features of the Hypogeum. The Oracle Chamber has characteristics that apparently project sound energy in a highly focused manner, allowing the audio waves to easily distribute to the other rooms.

Curved walls, pillars stairways and ceilings, with no sharp corners, edges or surfaces. Many of the lines are circular, which creates numerous, continuous, opposing parallel surfaces. Everything seemed carved or worn smooth, almost as if slightly polished, perhaps the result of water running over the surfaces for so a long period of time. The affect on propagating waves this curving smoothness plays is that it prevents refraction or the bending of waves when they encounter a sharp or jutting surface. Refraction breaks down and weakens waves (water, sound or EM) and is unlike reflection. The many parallel, opposing surfaces of the Hypogeum cause reflection, which allow the sounds waves generated within to echo, build upon themselves and reverberate strongly.

Wave Guides

The Oracle Chamber ceiling, especially near its entrance from the outer area, and the elongated inner chamber itself, appear to be carved into the form of a wave guide. A wave guide is a structure that guides waves, such as sound waves or electromagnetic waves. There are different types of waveguides for different type of waves. As a rule of thumb, the width of a waveguide needs to be of the same order of magnitude as the wavelength of the guided wave. So, high frequency, small waves require a small wave guide and low frequencies with larger wavelengths would require a larger wave guide. The very low frequency sounds that echo strongest in Hypogeum have very long wavelengths, thus the wave guide employed would need to be quite large. I believe The Oracle Chambers size itself is of the magnitude as to create the wave guiding effect upon the sound waves produced within.

Rudolph Steiner, The Inner Nature of Music and the Experience of Tone

Deborah Van Dyke - Travelling the Sacred Sound Current
A tone lies at the foundation of everything in the physical world

Tonal levitation of planar objects

Depth sounding, often simply called sounding, is measuring the depth of a body of water. Data taken from soundings are used in bathymetry to make maps of the floor of a body of water, and were traditionally shown on nautical charts in fathoms and feet.

Nikola Tesla
— original notes of the scale as determined mathematically, not the compromises that modernization has made to include multiple scales on one instrument

D# = 152.9 cycles per second, the augmented 4th from its root "A."

This interval was outlawed a few hundred years ago.
Divide by pi = the radius of the inner circle of Stonehenge.
Multiplied by pi = height of the Great Pyramid.

432, f#, c#, a#, 144,000, 313, 3-13, 222, 444
sound frequency geometry, seed syllable programming vibration

Llewelyn S. Lloyd, in the Journal of the Royal Society of Arts (16 Dec., 1949), described his innate drive to “tune-up” to a “brighter,” more soothing and inspiring frequency than A=440Hz. The British author and composer expressed his preference for precisely A=444Hz tuning, that manifests the C-5-pitch at 528 Hz. cott Huckabay performs exclusively using the C=528/A=444 Hz tuning.

Recent research by veteran piano tuner and custom piano designer Daniel Koehler demonstrated the beneficial acoustic and spiritual impact of prototype pianos that include granite bridges to best accommodate the higher tension of strings tuned to A=444Hz. Koehler reported most enthusiastically that the 528 Hz frequency resonates most powerfully and enduringly.

Solfeggio scale

David Hulse’s research, which identifies a series of six electromagnetic sound frequencies within the ancient Solfeggio scale

Schumann Resonance peaks at 7.83 Hz, 14.1 Hz, 20.3 Hz, 26.4 Hz, 32.4 Hz

Schumann resonance (multiples)
396 Hz, 432 Hz, 528 Hz
639 Hz, 741 Hz, 852 Hz, 963 hz

‘Let’s Talk MONTAUK,’ Joyce Murphy
410 - 450 mhz frequencies, psychic awareness

DNA has a frequency band similar to language. Likely that mental imagery, projection, and word programming can both impact DNA or interact with it.

The 110 Hz frequency is in the baritone range – the second lowest level of the male singing voice. It is therefore possible to speculate that chanting male voices could have been used in these supposed tombs for the silent dead. Current experiments are showing that the specific frequency range around 110 Hz tends to stimulate a certain electrical brain rhythm associated with particular trance-like states.

The secret meanings of the ancient syllables
Each tone has its own unique potential

Literal translation from Latin: “In order that the slaves might resonate (resound) the miracles (wonders) of your creations with loosened (expanded) vocal chords. Wash the guilt from (our) polluted lip. Saint John.”

Each syllable was thoroughly studied by Dr. Puleo and other professional researchers. David Hulse, a sound therapy pioneer with over 40 years of experience, described the tones as the following:

UT – 396 Hz – turning grief into joy, liberating guilt & fear

RE – 417 Hz – undoing situations & facilitating change

MI – 528 Hz – transformation & miracles, repairing DNA

FA – 639 Hz – relationship, connecting with spiritual family

SOL – 741 Hz – expression/solutions, cleaning & solving

LA – 852 Hz – returning to spiritual order

potentially retune A to 432hz frequency (vs 440hz) to restore the nature of musical tones.

- Frequency, Vibration, special numbers, harmonics 3, 9


Eileen McKusick - Biofied Tuning

Tibetan Singing Bowls (Copper)

Crystal Resonator


Beautiful harmonic overtones are generated when quartz crystal singing bowls are played. The sound produced by crystal bowls is rich in harmonics, making them valuable vibrational healing tools. Traditional Cherokee teachings describe quartz crystal as the greatest of healers; Dhyani Ywahoo defines: 'the primary tone, the foundation stone of all worlds, is sung by the quartz crystal'.

Quartz crystal is a mixture of the elements silicon and oxygen that t…

This photograph shows a window in the Abbey of Sant Antimo, Tuscany, Italy, a former Benedictine monastery which we visited one cold winter afternoon. We sat alone, surrounded by the quiet power of the basilica when unceremoniously, the monks entered, one by one through a small doorway - filling the stillness with ethereal Gregorian song; they enlivened the space with their sacred chant.

When words with specific meaning and intention are rhythmically so

Tibetan Master, Djwhal Khul, speaks to the profound role the science of sound will play in the unfolding of humanity's evolution, advising that it is "upon Wings of Sound' that 'the Way of the Higher Evolution' is travelled. Sound is a conduit between the worlds; it is a carrier wave that can transport us beyond our known world to the timelessness of our inner essence and the symphony of the Cosmos

sound is fire

    Tibetan sound vibration, levitation of stone
    Archeo-acoustic properties of ancient chambers, pyramids
    Giza pyramid complex, and other around world
    Monolithic stone structures, sculptures encasing knowlege
    Experiments at MIT on sound levitation
    Materials, such as cement (study older methods, natural), clay, and quartz/granite stone.
    Computer-controlled sound equipment
    Traditional horns, bells
    Bowls of copper, glass.
    Water, vibration, heat, light, movement (ie spinning).
    Glass spheres, resonance, standing waves.
    Light, crystals, gemstones.

The "keys" Enoch speaks of, turn out to be sound keys, keys to be vibratory matrix of reality itself, the mythic "Power of the World". The Enochian knowledge describes sonic equations, encoded within the ancient mantras and god names, capable of directly affect the nervous system and producing profound effect of healing and higher consciousness states.

Loud deep tones, resonance. Constructive interference, gowing stronger with each cycle.

- Dr. Pjotr GARAJAJEV (Peter Gariaev) & Vladimir Poponin, DNA BioComputer Reprogramming

- Russian team of Pjotr Garjajev, paired linguists with geneticists, impact of vibration and language on human DNA

Sound, harmony, frequency, stone materials key to vibrational activation pineal, hypothalamus, DNA, other gland and structures within the human body.


- shattering cancer with resonant frequencies
Anthony Holland, music teacher

- Music Medicine: Sound At A Cellular Level | Dr. Lee Bartel

Tibetan healing bowls.

harmonic vibrations and binaural beats

I've included Frequency List 1 and List 2 with various health conditions and their associated tone frequencies that help improve those conditions. Just run down the list for the condition you want and make of note of the frequency or frequencies that you should apply. Set the generator for that frequency and press the start button. The volume dosen't have to be loud, just enough to hear it.

List 1: http://educate-yourself.org/nch/Freqchart1.shtml

List 2: http://educate-yourself.org/nch/Freqchart2.shtml

I've also added here a frequency chart of all the musical notes so you could also use an accurately tuned musical instrument as a source of frequencies even if you don't have a frequency generator or a tone generator (http://educate-yourself.org/lte/freqchartmusicalnotes28dec07.shtml)

The loud sounds in air similar to my super-bass ideas, likely created by emf waves into the atmosphere

Look at high-fidelity sound equipment, especially in the construction of speakers and sound generating equipment, amplification and control mechanisms.

** standing sound wave exposure over 10 hours/day or 24 hrs for weeks or months/years, not just for an hour, inside resonant chamber which can be lived in as the home, ie, re-form or literally remake the body via DNA excitement, both slow aging and repair disease

** exact notes or microtonal scales or continuous coverage of whole spectrum of stimulation, drone sound with secondary moveable notes

Anthony Holland - music professor, founder of cancer research lab
Two varying frequencies or one drone sound, and one varying sound, make an interference pattern, like the music-teacher, turned scientist studying cures for cancer, at the TED talk.

sliding, adjustable, tuning fork, toning
machine stimulating the tuning fork

- Discover Electric Health Through Sound - Eileen Day McKusick

- Eileen McKusick Overview of Past and Future Research - Sonic Slider Accessories - Eileen Day McKusick
Biofield Tuning, a sound therapy method that provides targeted nervous system relaxation.

"Sound Medicine : Healing with Music, Voice and Song". Full Star. 2 reviews ... Laeh Maggie Garfield,

Toning, by Mrs Laurel Keyes - start with lowest tones, whether voice, scaled instrument or computer-generated, and work progressively through minute scales, resting on each tone for an indeterminate period of time, in order to reharmonize organic systems, and cure disease, potentially opening blockages in channels. Similar to the tuning fork healing, but with a variable resonator, like a trombone functions, sliding a tube longer and shorter to control frequency. Or a tube with a moveable plug.


Ancient Tech, especially forms, resonant sound, organic shapes

Tartaria power stations had pipe organs to harmonize and heal the population through sound waves, patterned as cymatics. The churches and cathedrals we see throughout the world all share similar design patterns using sacred acoustic geometry to maximize vibration, tone and resonance to heal, and assist in downloading higher consciousness. Power is available from vibrational, atmospheric and earth-current conditions, as well as the way thunderstorms generate lightning. Water may also play a role.

You will find that pyramids, theaters and large buildings all had water channels running under them directly where the sound energy was directed. The Star Forts seem to have been designed to create a micro-domes that protected the inhabitants and resonate harmony. This was detailed in Tesla’s 3-dimensional shell, created by two interfering Fourier-expansion, 3-dimensional scalar hemispherical patterns in space so they pair-couple into a dome-like shell of intense, ordinary electromagnetic energy. The air molecules and atoms in the shell are totally ionized and thus highly excited, giving off intense, glowing light. Anything physical which hits the shell receives an enormous discharge of electrical energy and is instantly vaporized.

The elite survived by utilizing them during the resets. Look at some old depictions of star forts that were surrounded by walls of mud and remained mostly undamaged. Imagine a society that created free energy with the classical arts and our jobs were musical in nature. On the Solfeggio scale 528 Hz is significant. These sound frequencies we created made plants, humans and animals grow larger and maintained a temperate climate. All cities located at strategic points on Earth along canals, rivers, seas, lakes and oceans were Star Fortress and had electromagnetic energy extracted from the ether. The energy was then captured through towers and obelisks and stored. They always had a water fountain nearby. The electromagnetic energy was extracted and stored in toroid coils at the power plant summits, covered with copper, positioned below the towers.

The Tartarian people may have been destroyed when the elites learned how to use the Tartary technology, crashing the entire culture and erasing their existence from modern history books. If you look carefully at the photos and images, you will see these massive buildings that would mean hundreds of millions, maybe even billions of Tartarians, were eliminated when the healing vibrational, frequency technology was used to destroy. We find millions of bones buried under cities and massive insane asylums, where they likely imprisoned the adult Tartars, after they had separated them from their children (to be sold for slave labor and shipped on foundling trains), that had crematories and large graveyards on their sites. It's possible that a great reset and population culling happens periodically, in order to maintain the elites' control.

Sound Generator
Control, to establish correct within tolerance


Resonant chambers with moveable walls, seeking tuned standing waves of selected frequencies, using reflective or piezo-electric materials, such as granite, crystal, slate, or tile.

Shapes as energy generators, transformers, resonance, standing waves. Shapes are bridges, spanning the distance between heaven and earth.

- spheres, hemisphere, cones, toroid shapes, cube, egg, honeycomb, nanotubules, graphene, enclosed resonant and resonating chambers, tuned chambers, pyramidal effects, like cheops pyramid

Grebennikov - Beetles, Levitation, Vortices, Shape Power

Variable Shapes, Variable energetic inputs, Technology, interlocking blocks, moveable walls, floors, ceilings, metals, crystal, glass, steel, etc walls, and thus a tuned chamber, with a drone sound, and an active sound creating vibrational interference patterns, that affect the human organism, building shapes, room shapes and material shapes,

Need moveable walls on tracks, or other way to adjust sound chamber variably. certainly experiment with certain fixed-size, like great pyramid of Giza, king’s chamber dimensions, sometimes will be subsonic, impossible to hear, but can feel the vibrations in the body. use large tubes, high power wind, computer-controlled, variable tuning and intensity, sensors, brain-wave feedback, other human reaction measurement areas, multiple input devices (interference beats), different sound colors, ie percussion, wind, strings


Crop Circles - bibliotecapleyades.net

Crop Circles - created by bursts of sonic, EMF, etc, energy from balls of light, revealing sacred magical geometries and instruction. also, ancient constructions communicating vestiges of sacred magical knowledge.


- Crystals, energetics, spinning, vibration, compression, EMF, excitation
diorite - box in king’s chamber
answan granite - king’s chamber walls

Stones carry different degree of intensity, frequency and energies
clearing and cleansing effect at physical and metaphysical and also spiritual levels
They used to clear the air of your room, heal physical wounds.
many stones and crystals carry different frequencies
vibrating earth frequencies from the ground and soil of the earth
earth grounding stones.
massage wands can be made from stone, wood and other materials, embedded with magnets, metals, and crystals

Clear quartz
Rose quartz
Black Tourmaline
Lapis Lazuli
Tiger's Eye


By placing a conic or pyramidal crystal on the forehead, in the location of the pineal gland, may be possible to focus energy beams into the skull, activating third eye.

Conversely, various methods may be employed in order to amplify brain signals and psychic energy emanating from within the brain and nervous system.


* Cymatic patterns that develop as certain frequencies are made can give clues as to the proper freqencies required. For example, patterns that mimic basic atomic and biological features, brain research, or celebrated mandalas seen by mystics.

- Cymatics and sand scatter patterns

- 144Hz frequency made visible through a CymaScope

- CymaScope Website

- Secrets of Cymatics - Cymascope Channel

- Secrets of Cymatics II, a lecture by John Stuart Reid

Look up cymatics on youtube.com and hunt for different videos, simply watching. Some of the patterns look to be valid mandalas. In fact, since these are physical phenomena, I’d trust these shapes primarily, not secondarily 'visioned' shapes, though the similarity is astounding, lending credence to both. Moving, two-dimensional and three-dimensional mandalas.

Ancient Energy Technology

Michael Tellinger
affect dna with sound, healing stone circles, cymatic patterns in stone, earth resonance in South Africa, shows template.


Tibetan rock levitation, sonics, multiple harmonics of earth frequency resonance.
(need tuned chamber, as well as energy input devices, recordings, instruments, chanting)

shows standing waves created over a high-frequency speaker output, beneath a glass reflector plate. can ‘float’ plastic balls in areas of high pressure. distance is crucial, said half-wavelength only, or standing waves do not form
'The radius of 63 metres was measured out accurately. The musical instruments consisted of 13 drums and 6 trumpets (Ragdons) Eight drums had a cross-section of one metre, and a length of one and one half metres. Four drums were medium size with a cross-section of 0.7 metre and a length of one metre. The only small drum had a cross-section of 0.2 metres and a length of 0.3 metres. All the trumpets were the same size.

They had a length of 3.12 metres and an opening of 0.3 metres. The big drums and all the trumpets were fixed on mounts which could be adjusted with staffs in the direction of the slab of stone. The big drums were made of 1mm thick sheet iron, and had a weight of 150kg. They were built in five sections. All the drums were open at one end, while the other end had a bottom of metal, on which the monks beat with big leather clubs. Behind each instrument was a row of monks.

When the stone was in position the monk behind the small drum gave a signal to start the concert. The small drum had a very sharp sound, and could be heard even with the other instruments making a terrible din. All the monks were singing and chanting a prayer, slowly increasing the tempo of this unbelievable noise. During the first four minutes nothing happened, then as the speed of the drumming, and the noise, increased, the big stone block started to rock and sway, and suddenly it took off into the air with an increasing speed in the direction of the platform in front of the cave hole 250 metres high. After three minutes of ascent it landed on the platform'.

Article: (New Scientist, July, 2011) 'Water Levitated by Tibetan Singing Bowls'

'Tibetan singing bowls, ancient instruments used for meditation, can be manipulated to produce droplets that levitate, bounce and skip across water. The study began when a "sound healer" in Florida pointed out the droplet phenomenon and sent a bowl to co-author John Bush, a mathematician at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Terwagne and Bush didn't excite the bowls with a mallet, which produces rich sounds comprising different frequencies. Instead, they used a speaker to excite the bowl at particular frequencies. With a high-speed camera, the researchers recorded the droplets' ejection and behaviours. With the slowed-down footage, they measured the locations and movements.

The video shows droplets levitating on the surface and the rim. The higher frequency of the song, the smaller the resulting drops. The bowls suggest new ways to create and manipulate droplets that skitter across an air film atop a surface.

In the past, researchers at Northwestern Polytechnical University in Xi'an, China, used ultrasound fields to successfully levitate globs of the heaviest solid and liquid—iridium and mercury, respectively. The aim of their work is to learn how to manufacture everything from pharmaceuticals to alloys without the aid of containers. At times compounds are too corrosive for containers to hold, or they react with containers in other undesirable ways.

Xie and his colleagues employed an ultrasound emitter and reflector that generated a sound pressure field between them. The emitter produced roughly 20-millimeter-wavelength sounds, meaning it could in theory levitate objects half that wavelength or less.

The ICRL team used an omni-directional loudspeaker as a sound source driven by a variable frequency sine-wave oscillator, and a 20-watt amplifier. This was linked to a digital multimeter to verify frequencies, and the amplitude of generated sound waves was plotted using portable sound-level meters.

The Physics of Sound Levitation: A basic acoustic levitator has two main parts: A transducer, which is a vibrating surface that makes sound, and a reflector. Often, the transducer and reflector have concave surfaces to help focus the sound. A sound wave travels away from the transducer and bounces off the reflector. Three basic properties of this travelling, reflecting wave help it to suspend objects in midair.


sound, vibration, harmonics
resonance, reverberation

Forcing air through large cement or plastic tubes, copper structures resonating, pyramids of granite vibrated by a waterway. Not limited by physical resonance, as in sound wavesor vibration, but also electromagnetic, as in electricity, magnetism, light, heat, plasma.

- local crafts artisans, sell online.

- raw metals, best metals? copper alloy? brass
- metal shaping
- metal stamping equipment
- tuner

- plastic, stone,
- motive force, wind,
- electric motor, fan,
- pneumatic, comressed air,

Drums, singing bowls

- large pipe-organs in resonant churches around the world, good start for energy fields, as are ancient chambers.

Build musical instruments, in order to create the correct sounds.

** large instruments like flute or saxophone, powered by a wind-blower and computer, ie, better to have a physical sound wave generated rather than computer tones

larger copper Tibetan bowls, resonant glassware

can make new and wonderful-sounding musical instruments with purer vibration, & greater sound intensity, large sound resonators, powered by electric motors, compressed air, diesel engines, jet engines, rivers

handpan drum - different sizes, tunings.. the sounds of people playing can activate energy too, but need to play the right music.

possible to make handpan resonant drum soundings for sale in Ubon, metal working village. set up a workshop.

Download NCH Tone Generator

Go to this web site and scroll down to the Tone Generator and click the Download button. Unzip the file after it's downloaded onto your hard drive and install it. An icon will appear on your desktop. If you don't have an unzipping program, go to WinZip.com and download the latest version.

If your computer has a sound card, this NCH audio tone generator can play audio tones through your computer speakers or earphones. You can set the frequency from 1 hz to 20,000 hz. Certain specific tone frequencies can modify and improve all kinds of health conditions. It's called Sound Therapy. If you wish, you can greatly augment this therapy by simultaneously applying Light Therapy, which is also simple and easy to set up.

sound vibration, sound generators, sound tubes, large engines, or large subsonic generators

Booming sounds will scare animals, can market a sound-gun for safety from wildlife or attackers, with a variable frequency tuner, and static, or interference between multiple frequencies.

Need larger, cleaner sounds, and better materials

list of other musical instruments


Giving audience, an ear to listen, is the key to compassion and empathy. Similarly, attention of an audience provides the 'pull' that encourages the flow of energy

audience - to give ear to, to hear with attention, he gained an audience with the king

to hear - to feel with empathy, 'I hear you,' man
frequency - periodicity in time, frequent (often)
key - A group of pitches based on a particular tonic, and comprising a scale, regarded as forming the tonal basis of a piece or section of music.

pitch -
sales pitch -
tempo, speed
timing, moment by moment
keeping time
key signature, signing your name

tone - the emotional content of expression
tone - emotional aspect, the tone of the conversation

tone, muscle tone, tonus
tone - a note on the musical scale
scale - series of notes within a key
scale - weighing the balance
to scale - to climb, or ascend
balance - harmony and continuity of the whole
conduct - lead the performance, as in an orchestra, or in a play
conductor - guides the boat, guides an orchestra
conduct - to be a transmitter of electricity, to allow electricity to flow, to support current
conduct - behavior, his conduct was becoming of a gentleman

conductor - a material that transmits electricity
conductor - guides and keeps the tempo for the orchestra
'good' conduct - behavior
  • tone of the note, tone of voice, attitude, implication, tonus of the body, character of the story, character of the sound. Of sound character, meaning a morally correct reaction to stress and stimuli, the opposite of defense mechanisms in psychology, because nothing can go wrong, because nothing exists, so there can be no harm, for nothing is apart, nothing is separate nor having individual existence so loss is impossible, and it certainly appears that way to us, due to misidentification with a self that somehow is apart from all things, rather than a part of all things, which naturally is the case. And that's the non-obvious thing, that moral correctness and compassion and non-killing are as much a part of the totality as is sound and sitting.

  • division of the totality into individual notes
    individual notes combine into chords, sounded simultaneously, into harmonies sounded successively.

    A chord of a circle is a straight line segment whose endpoints both lie on a circular arc. tune - a melody, sing a tune
    tune - to adjust the pitch of a note
    rhythm of nature, circular nature of reality

    Harmony - together again, co-operating and restoring a whole from seemingly distinct parts
    Resonance - a reinforcement of sound (as a musical tone) in a vibrating body or system caused by waves from another body vibrating at nearly the same rate, a vibrating quality of a voice sound.
    resonance - sound vibration forming standing waves within a tuned chamber
    resonance - in concert with each other, she resonated with the discussion

    By creating standing waves and sound vibration, we can come into harmonic resonance with higher octave energies. Not just any sound, but increasing tonality and purity of resonance increases the effect.

    Interference (both constructive, adding to the power of each, and destructive, canceling out each other)

    Dissonance - conflicting viewpoints, thinking they are apart, so that they may have an opposing view, that the yin thinks it is apart from the yang, that the two sides of the coin think they have individual identity, and where does that darn island go when the level of water in the river drops, where the human being goes after death and came from where before birth.

    .. lack of agreement, especially inconsistency between the beliefs one holds or between one's actions and one's beliefs - COGNITIVE DISSONANCE

    volume (1) - sound level (physics, music) volume (2) - measure of space in a container (math) As an expert in music, a music-master, an adept, a virtuous virtuoso, shining and brilliant virtuoso, virtue, virtuous (moral, ethical, correct)

    A sustained note is key, of tones along the Solfeggio scale, determined by the nature of water and matter, the true tones create the most beautiful patterns, and be guided by the ancient structures, for they already have written this guide for you in stone.

    Human beings are interference patterns of various multi-dimensional energies. In Tibet, the sounding of large copper bowls tuned to different tones creates an energy wave that passes thorough people's bodies, thus eliminating disease.

    3. Music - key, note, voice, wave form, wave, timing, tempo