

- Acidosis (pH)
Chemicals, Additives
- Pollutants (smoking)
- Contaminants
EMF Signals, radiation poisioning
Graphene Oxide
Heavy Metals
Spike Protein
Poison - snake venom, mollusks, plants,, stinging insects, poorly prepared consumer products

  Vitamin C
  Oxygen Therapy
Alkaline Balance

  • Diet
  • Graphene
  • Radiation
  • Aging
  • Qi Gong
    Destressing, Coping
    Bodily Interfaces with the External World - Guard the Gates. The restoration of intgeral repair systems goes a long way to re-establishing homeostasis, or better, repair and reconstruction. fasting is essential, in order to allow the body time and freedom to work.

    Mouth, Cleansing, Diet
    Skin, Cleansing, Revitalization
    Detoxify the pituitary gland, hypothalamus (hormonal control)
    Lymphatic system (drainage and immune response)
    Liver and kidneys (filtration)
    Blood vessels, heart tissue (circulation)
    Lungs (gas exchange), Aromatics, Essential Oils, Steam Inhalation, negative Ions, Oxygen Therapy

    Nervous System (attention, concern)
    Intestinal integrity and flora (nutrient absorbtion)
    Gut Bacteria, Intestine, Fiber, Fasting, Yogurt, Sprouts
    Colon (elimination)


    Air filtration, ionization, vaporizer, misting

    Water purification, Water filter for kitchen sink, artesian well, vortex energization, ionization

    The body will autonomously cannibalize itself to maintain homeostasis of prioritized systems at the cost of sacrificing lesser systems in an established order. To the point, if the body isn't being supplied with 100% of the required building and repair materials to function, it will do its best to gather those materials in any way possible.

    Need to list the required inputs, a really comprehensive list of what the body is, and what it needs to function.
    Bodily Interfaces with the External World. The restoration of integral repair systems goes a long way to re-establishing homeostasis, or better, repair and reconstruction. fasting is essential, in order to allow the body time and freedom to work.

    Bodily Interfaces (contamination, pollution, irritants - decay, infection, corruption, disturbance, disruption) - Mouth
    - Intestine
    - Skin
    - Lungs

    Restoration, reconstruction, cleansing, pure ingredients

    The breath and food are two main channels whereby we do damage to ourselves. By living in a location of cleaner air, breathing more fully, and ensuring a steady supply of prana and oxygen-rich blood, we may avert many diseases before they have a chance to take hold. Alkalinity and oxygenation are key to health, quality of life, rejuvenation, and life extension.

    Therefore, 'guard the gates, protect the interfaces of the human body as they are exposed to the environment, especially the vulnerable surface of the aveolar sacs in the lungs, the microvillae surface of the small intestine, the surface of the liver as it strains pollutants, both from the environment and from the foodstuffs themselves. For example, when people breathe, the air may contain harmful energies, pollutants, irritants, be too dry, be too hot or cold, etc, and this impacts the surface of the lungs. Over time, the functioning and integrity of the lungs may be compromised or harmed, and in turn, this impacts other related systems within the body. Similarly, our choice of food, and the introduction of pollutants, pesticides, bacteria, will degrade the surface of the digestive tract.

    Rory Blake, Inventor and author of the nutritional basis of aging theory

    Aging and disease is caused by a lowered uptake of nutrition. This lack of amino acid absorption is due to intestinal damage occurring over a long period of time. This damage likely begins as soon as we begin eating solid food. It can be repaired, but the process continues until the body must s cannibalize from its own structure in order to continue to function. The work-around is effective for a few extra decades of life.

    Over time, the digestive system is less efficient at extracting nutrition from food. This is associated with an ever-increasing damage to gut receptors for specific amino acids. There are many physical signs of intestinal decline occurring in the process of aging that support this. Biofilm could totally block receptors, caused by too much intake of meat and fried foods. Collagen decline, sagging skin and the subdural hematoma that are often seen in aging are simply outward structural signs of aggressive lymph system activity. Gut bacteria decline is a known hallmark of aging.

    All 20 amino acids are necessary - the inability to absorb specific amino acid nutrition could totally halt protein synthesis. In the literature, five of the twenty amino acids comprising protein in the human body have known problems of absorption. However, the human lymph system has an additional ability that allows for much more than just the passive delivery of amino acids. The human lymph system has ability to be proactive in the acquisition of amino acids. The trigger of a lack of absorption from the gut causes the lymph system to "steal" missing needed nutrition from existing structure.

    In aging, the body holds on to the incomplete nutrition that it is unable to use, storing it as fat. The body then turns to its reserves and recycles structural protein such as muscle and collagen because these are complete. These existing structural proteins contain all twenty of the necessary amino acids. Diabetes and hypertension are the first diseases seen with age. Both diseases are caused by faults in processes that use peptides for regulation and control. Lack of one single necessary amino acid is enough to halt production of a peptide. The lack of a single peptide is enough to upset the sensitive feedback loops seen in each of these bodily processes.

    Replacement of this missing amino acid nutrition has been shown to reverse the symptoms of aging. A modification of this method has been used to reverse the gut bacteria decline as well.

    Gut Bacteria

    Gut bacteria, dietary changes, flushes, cleansing fasts, fermented foods

    - Ruairi Robertson | TEDx - Food for thought: How your belly controls your brain

    - RuairiRobertson.com

    - Elie Metchnikoff - Nobel Proze in immunity, phagocytes


    Cumin Seeds
    Fennel Feeds


    Limit damage from free radicals. Mice that produce fewer free radicals in their mitochondria are known to live about 20 per cent longer than normal mice. So a team led by Andrew Marks at Columbia University in New York investigated how this affected the ageing of their muscle tissue.

    They found that a key player is calcium, the release of which triggers our muscles to contract. The molecule responsible for this release – ryanodine receptor 1 – is damaged by free radicals, and as the rodents age, calcium begins to leak out when it shouldn't, weakening muscle fibres.


    Zinc (50 to 100 milligrams daily)

    Vitamin A
    Vitamin B complex
    Vitamin C
    Vitamin D (10,000 IU daily)

    Hydroxycloroquine, brand name Plaquenil to treat malaria

    Quinine tablets.

    Doxycycline (antibiotic), if good expiry date

    Melatonin - mitichondrial antioxidant

    CO-Enzyme Q10


    C60 (1-3 droppersfull per day)

    Activated Charcoal (2-4 capsules a day, on an empty stomach)

    NAC (N-acetyl cysteine) (Glutathione) Dosage: 1200-2400 mg per day on an empty stomach.


    Quercetin (500-1000 mg, twice daily)

    Castor Oil
    Krill oil, other fatty acids (Salmon)

    PQQ (20-40 mg per day)

    beware green chiretta, a very strong herb, recommended against by a doctor of Thai traditional medicine.

    Epsom Salts + Water

    Organic germanium
    EGCg 400mg, green tea extract

    Cell Guard

    Fulvic Acid, and other ayurvedic detox

    Baking soda (sodium bicarbonate), raises pH levels.
    Potassium Bicarbonate
    Magnesium Bicarbonate
    Baking Soda and water with lemon, better with nebulizer

    Hydrogen peroxide mouth rinse,
    Potassium iodide, for radiation poisoning
    Borax, boron (heavy metal detox)

    Iron supplements, deficiency after vaccination
    Aspirin to thin the blood
    Bentonite Clay, as if radiation poisoning
    Chlorine Dioxide
    Iodine Tincture 7%
    Omega-3 fatty acids

    If get sick or have a deep, respiratory cough, feel tired, weak, no appetite and generally ill, start taking ivermectin immediately, at modest dosages, do not wait thinking it will pass without treating, as the medicine needs time to build up in the body. simultaneously, get CDR and take twice a day for vitamin C, as well as Zinc, and boil washed grapefruit and lemon skins in a few cups of water and drink the water all day, eat the fruit. Get sunlight and exercise at least an hour a day. See below for more treatments. Consider buying a canister of oxygen at a medical-supply store, to be ready if having trouble breathing, otherwise would need to go to a hospital, and that’s the last resort. stock up on food that can be stored.

    if forced to take vaccine, heavily, daily detox for 60 days, then biweekly detox continuously thereafter, a life regimen. assume graphene oxide, parasites, combined with 5g radiation, heavy metal poisoning.

    Vaccinated people shed the spike protein. If you live in presence of such people, at home or at work, you must protect yourself with natto, vitamin D3 (10,000 U.I./DAY), magnesium, and vitamin A.

    For the prevention of blood clots, take one tablespoon of natto (fresh or dehydrated) each eight hours. It is important that you take whole natto, not the purified nattokinase.

    Himalayan salt, trace elements, mineralization, tissue salts

    - probiotics

    if anyone gets sick, make hydroxychloriquine naturally. slow boil the peels of 3 grapefruits and 3 lemons for 3 hours, and cool. Strain out the liquid, and can keep in the refrigerator. add a small, half cup to 1 liter water bottle each time filling. together for a few hours, and strain the juice, put in refridgerator. two tablespoons, morning and night.

    Have them sleep a lot, and drink hot tea with lemon. consider stocking ivermectin as well, check dosage per kg recommended, read online.

    Extract of grapefruit peels, orange peels, lemon peels. potentially make in espresso machine, or by boiling, or in distillery. extracts of fennel seeds, pine and spruce needles, star anise, goji berries

    Zentar Plus, imported from india.
    Combination medicine iver 6mg and albendazole 400mg. (parasitic worm infestations).

    Tumeric and black pepper (extracts)

    Doxycycline or azithromycin (antibiotics), for secondary bacterial infection
    Clarithromycin - antibiotic w/antiviral

    Suramin helped children recover from Autism

    Better to use an electric blender to extract the shikimic acid and the suramin. Then put in a strainer and press the paste with a spoon to extract the juice. Drink ½ a glass of this extract morning and evening for neutralizing the spike proteins.

      Antiviral Herbs
      1. Elderberry
      2. Echinacea
      3. Calendula
      4. Garlic
      5. Astragalus Root
      6. Cat’s Claw
      7. Ginger
      8. Licorice Root
      9. Olive Leaf
      10. Oregano

    Asthma Inhaler, Albuterol. Go get some now, even if you don’t have asthma. It’s a mild steroid and calms inflammation of the airways.

    Pulmicort contains budesonide, ie athsma inhaler, with corticosteroids and formoterol combined

    Pine needles and spruce needles, washed with apple cider vinegar, then made into a tea.

    Bromelain, extract from pineapple

    Lugol's Iodine - Trace element for the formation of the hormones of the thyroid gland. Antioxidant and removes free radicals. In Dr. Clark’s bowel program, it removes salmonellas

    Bentonite clay detox to minimize effects of EMF and 5g radiation. For a safe effective and regular detox, I do 1/2 tsp of bentonite clay and 1/2 tsp baking soda, with or without 1/2 tsp kelp, mixed in 1.5 cups of water

    steaming hot, mineral clay baths

    carbonyl iron, microwave absorption
    activated charcoal

    treating as if radiation poisoning


    Eat raw pineapple, papaya, mango, grapefruit, oranges, lemon, garlic, lemongrass, ginger, various herbs. The vaccines use a nano lipid or oil casing to protect the spike protein from blood enzyme destruction. A high enzyme diet should go a long way to neutralize the protein. High mineral intake as well.

    Dr. Northrop recommends taking a bath in half a liter of organic soap, like laundry soap and alfalfa pellets or hay, what you buy for your hampsters. If you have a black light you can see the Hydrogel Nanoworms come out of your body and go to towards the alfalfa. Then take a shower in Dr. Bronner’s soap. With gloves on, take the stuff out of your bathtub and deposit it into a bag.

    Heavy Metal Detox

    Exercise also good to produce antioxidants as well as detox through sweat.

    Heavy Metals


    - skin cleansing
    - Sauna
    - hot mud mineral baths
    - mud mask facials, cleansing facials
    (have essential oils and clays, powdered herbs)

    - women-only, acupressure and hot stone massage

    - Epsom salt baths (12 tissue salts, copy ocean mineral profile).


    Löyly is an important part of the traditional sauna experience. Löyly means throwing small amounts of water on the hot sauna stones to create a warm and soothing steam. The steam rapidly increases the heat as well as the humidity of the sauna room, bringing pleasure as well as health benefits.

    Finnish people hit each other with birch branches in the sauna. The whisk is made of young birch twigs and used to be an integral part of sauna bathing. The idea is to beat the skin lightly with the whisk in order to stimulate blood circulation and to release the fresh and invigorating birch aroma.

    Can make saunas in pyramidal, conic, semi-spherical and spherical shapes.


    Dr. Hulda Clark - Herbal Cleanse

    Dr. Clark mentions that bowel disorders are always connected to bacteria. Harmful enteric bacteria can then invade other parts of the body and colonize a trauma site or a weakened organ. The Dr. Clark’s Bowel program has been put together in order to remove harmful enteric bacteria. Many people report that after the bowel program they do not suffer from constipation or vice versa from diahrrea anymore, their minds are clearer and their bellies are flat.

    Turmeric and Fennel seeds are used to remove shigellas, salmonellas, clostridium and other harmful intestinal bacteria, such as E coli, and have anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. Used for the treatment of digestive disorders such as flatulence and bloating.

    Removes clostridium from the intestinal tract

    Break down components of food so that they can be taken up by the organism. They remove things such as undigested food

    Gentle laxative for those that are constipated and restores tone to the bowel muscles.


    Stig Severinsen
    Wim Hof

    Deep breathing, oxygenation, tummo, cold temperatures, mind control.

    if Stig breathes pure oxygen, eliminating other gases, and super-saturating his tissues, allowing him to hold his breath for extended periods, indicates that it is good to get an oxygen tank, perhaps breathing pure oxygen for 15 minutes, twice a day or more.

    Running sprints uphill, like man in Hawaii.

    Alternating cold and hot showers, walking briskly or exercising in cold temperatures.


    Educate Yourself - variouspreparations, like Chlorine Dioxide

    forbidden cures - excellent menu

    Chlorine Dioxide

    Make CDS Water - Chlorine Dioxide Solution

    Mix equal parts (drops) of 28% Sodium Chlorite solution and 50% Citric Acid solution and you get "activated" MMS (Miracle Mineral Solution, a name coined by Jim Humble), an incredibly effective an dpowerful germicidal solution and curative therapy. A very simple, but powerful, oxiding molecule called Chlorine Dioxide gas, is releaased when MMS is activated. The chlorine atom is able to pull out FIVE electrons from the outer orbit of the membranes of ALL pathogenic organisms. This causes the immediate death of the parasitical organism, but has no adverse affect on normal bodily tissue.


    A bottle of 3½ % Hydrogen Peroxide is available in any pharmacy for under a dollar and can be used daily to keep the mouth and gums germ-free (always use full strength and try to retain in the mouth as long as possible). It should also be conscientiously applied to disinfect any type of oral infection, cut, sore, or wound that one may encounter. For external use, the drug store variety of hydrogen peroxide is OK, but it does have some low levels of contaminants in it. For internal use, it's wiser to use Food-grade hydrogen peroxide. You can make your own 3½ % hydrogen peroxide by diluting 35% food-grade hydrogen peroxide by a ratio of 10:1 with distilled water. However, that should not stop you from using pharmacy-grade hydrogen peroxide externally- if you are in normal health.

    People trying to recover from serious diseases such as AIDS or cancer need to be more concerned about ingesting contaminants. 35% Food-Grade Hydrogen Peroxide is available at many farm supply outlets and by mail order. Since it's more concentrated, 35% hydrogen peroxide can produce spectacular results when intelligently applied. Hydrogen peroxide can also be applied either internally as injections (directly into a cancerous tumor for example) or intravenously into the blood stream. If properly diluted, hydrogen peroxide can also be ingested. At higher concentrations, H2O2 is powerful and can burn tissue.


    Instructions for making conifer needles. The needles are first collected and then washed. Put 5 dl of apple cider vinegar in 5 liters of water and wash these conifers in this solution and finally rinse the vinegar out of the needles with clean water. The excess can then be frozen. Always take the same ratio: 1 Pine needle and one Spruce needle and cut into 5 mm pieces. 1 teaspoon of these pieces is placed in a normal (1.5 dl) coffee cup. Then pour boiling water over and allow to simmer for at least 2 minutes. Strain the conifer needles off and drink the tea. You can add honey or sugar as a spice, etc. Adults can drink 2 cups at a time and three times a day.

    Pine needles, Spruce, Cedar and Fir (conifers), contain Shikimate (Shikimic Acid), and a slew of other meta nutrients which boost immunity, hydrate, and contribute to the detoxification of Graphene Oxide Nanoparticles at a cellular level.

    Conifer needle teas inhibit adverse reactions from graphene oxide and Covid-19 spike protein transmission and protect against components of the coagulation cascade; possibly protecting against blood clots. Pine tea also inhibits the inappropriate replication and modification of RNA and DNA.

    Conifer needle oil and needle tea rejuvenates cells and act as a natural stress reliever, pain killer, and antibiotic. It treats every kind of pain, stress, trauma, and PTSD because it works directly on the nerves, bypassing your nervous system. It’s one of the few meta nutrients which erases cellular memory of trauma. Essentially, everyone should be drinking pine needle tea or taking pine oil.

    white pine needles/leaves (white pine, fir, cedar, and spruce needles contain shikimic acid and suramin), and make an infusion in hot water with some alcohol or fat such as coconut oil or butter. Use a lot of leaves per litre of water, and let them infuse for about ½ hour.

    – I am picking pine needles and chewing them whenever I see a fir tree in range


    Shikimate has been used in traditional Chinese medicine to halt plagues, and pandemics. Shikimate halts respiratory infections and viral replication. It can be found in high doses in pine needle tea. It’s also found in a large quantity in Star Anise, Fennel, and dandelion root, leaf and flower.

    World renown Scientist Mike Adams the Health Ranger and founder of Natural News, explains how you can easily extract Shikimate from these herbs using an espresso machine..Like other experts, the Health Ranger expresses his belief that the vaxxed may still be able to save themselves.

    Fennel and/or Star Anise Tea are an excellent source of shikimate or shikimic acid (which is known to neutralize the spike protein)
    Schizandra Berry (high in shikimate)
    St. John’s Wort (shikimate is found throughout the entire plant and in the flowers)
    Comfrey Leaf (rich in shikimate)


    3 herbs to kill flatworms and other parasites in the body..
    and watch ingestion and skin application of toxins (commonly found in hair products, and skin creams).

    BLACK WALNUT HULLS (from the black walnut tree - juglans nigra)
    Used by the Indians of America as an anti-parasite, anti-bacterial, anti-viral and anti-fungal remedy. Its active ingredients are juglone, tannin and iodine

    WORMWOOD (from the Artemisia shrub - artemisia absinthum)
    Known for its vermicidal properties and helps those with a weak and under-active digestion. It increases the acidity of the stomach and the production of bile. It reduced bloatiness and flatulences.

    COMMON CLOVES (from the clove tree - eugenia caryophyllata)
    Anti-parasitical, anti-fungal, antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties. It also removes pain.


    Print out clinical trial, vaccine control group participation card, go to graphic design shop, may be able to print on plastic and trim corners neatly.

    - on reverse of card, consider adding WHO logo, and grey stripe to sign, and list at bottom: "This subject is participating in a SARS-CoV-2 clinical trial, and has a prior history of anaphylaxis when given a dose of vaccine."

    Also, print out literature about vaccine control groups, on good letterhead by an MD or the CDC, and why it is required by law, to test efficacy of vaccine trials.

    Write my own letter in English, and get it translated into Thai, staple together, put in medical-looking folder, may obtain folder at hospital, create a WHO or other letterhead, with phone number (to general switchboard) and address.

    The patient is allergic to polysorbate 80, has a history of passing out from shots, experiences heart palpitations, and has experienced severe allergic reactions from previous vaccinations, suh as a tetanus shot because many of them contain polysorbate 80. Also, anaphylaptic shock.



    Not wear disposable masks

    During cold season, easier to wear masks I have. as warming, need holes in sides, and more breathable masks. buy metal hole-puncher, like for paper, to make neat holes in sides of my masks, to breathe better.

    Find porous, colored masks, perhaps online, so can practice in public again, and sitting at a distance, masks may be with us a long time.


    Graphene oxide has what is called an ‘electronic absorption band’. The electronic excitation, its magnetic resonance is precisely in the third bandwidth of the 5G technology, the one that is being tendered right now and that, remember, has been with us throughout the pandemic.

    N-acetylcysteine or glutathione degrades it.

    Just as processed food in packages may contain graphene or heavy metals, other contaminants in manufacture, Blackmore’s vitamins are in the same boat, maybe containing graphene. A freemason family perhaps, but the point is maintained generally. Anything manufactured should not be taken internally, given the mass-depopulation and sickness agenda afoot right now. Even pizza or bread using mass-produced flour. Soak and wash vegetables better. Buy local rice, but still sprayed. Best is to grow our own food organically.

    If forced to get vaccinated, must not use or be near any cellphone, tablet, computer, tv, wifi router, smart meter, cell tower, tv or radio transmitter tower, even electrical wires, basically would need to camp out in mountains for weeks to months with active detox, as the body eliminates graphene, which activates in emf fields. also, must keep heart-rate low, no strenuous exercise for multiple reasons, and increase antioxidants and raise pH levels (basicity) as free radicals would be generated.

    Graphene could be flushed naturally out of the body, because there is an enzyme called myeloperoxidase that apparently disintegrates graphene molecules. Surprisingly alcohol consumption or even tobacco can help to increase this enzyme. That’s why they want the population to be vaccinated each 6-12 months and sober.

    Masks may contain graphene oxide, as may nanoparticles introduced in PCR tests. Graphene oxide is also present in antigen tests; hydrogels also contain graphene oxide nanoparticles; intranasal vaccines also, since graphene oxide in aerosols is more potent.


    Ivermectin - take with zinc

    If you are in a high-risk environment or already sick with covid, a dose around 0.5mg per kg of body weight) is recommended.

    If fever, loss of smell or taste, fatigue, sore throat, immediate and early treatment is most effective. can also take one or two tablets per week of ivermectin as a preventative measure.

    For a 40kg child or person, 0.2mg per kg of body weight is 8mg per day, and 0.4mg per kg of body weight is 16mg per day. For a 60kg person, 0.2mg per kg of body weight is 12mg per day, and 0.4mg per kg of body weight is 24mg per day. For an 80kg person, 0.2mg per kg of body weight is 16mg per day, and 0.4mg per kg of body weight is 32mg per day. also, not use long-term. combine with zinc, vitamin C and D, NAC, and boil down lemons and grapefruit, other natural detox, bentonite clay.

    Ivermectin toxicity - Clinical signs include dehydration, bradycardia, respiratory depression, cyanosis, mydriasis, and a diminished gag reflex. Symptoms of ivermectin poisoning include vomiting, hyper-salivation, nausea, seizures, also associated with low blood pressure, decreased consciousness, loss of coordination and balance, blurred vision, confusion, drowsiness, visual hallucination, tremors and rapid breathing, so error on the side of caution. can increase dosage after a few days if severe disease or vaccination symptoms of distress and no signs of toxicity. everything is a trade-off. side effects have been reported: itching, swollen lymph glands, dizziness, hypotension, fever, headache and myalgia. If necessary, flush body by drinking lots of water and frequent urination.

      Natural Alternatives to Ivermectin

      1. Wormwood
      2. Tansy Tincture
      3. Centaury Powder
      4. Herbal Laxative Blend
      5. Artichoke Powder
      6. Male Fern & Wormwood Sitz Bath

    NAC (N-acetylcysteine), GLUTATHIONE

    Patients with bilateral pneumonias improved within an hour of intravenous glutathione or NAC (N-acetylcysteine) administration. They were taken off ventilators. Glutathione is an antioxidant, and counteracts free radicals and oxidants, targeting toxins enter the body. We know that, naturally, graphene oxide is eliminated by glutathione.

    When we study glutathione, we realize that it begins to fall from the age of 30 onwards, but above all it falls considerably from the age of 65 onwards. Children have high glutathione reserves in youth, and the COVID-19 disease itself hardly has an impact on children. Similarly, glutathione is especially low in the obese population and we realize that it is precisely the obese who are most affected by COVID-19. We realize that glutathione is related to vitamin D. Low levels of glutathione are low levels of vitamin D and it is precisely patients with COVID-19 who have low levels of vitamin D.

    Athletes have high levels of glutathione endogenously, which are secreted with intense exercise.