Driving - Test 1

1. You come to an intersection which has a flashing red light. You should:
A. Come to a full stop, then go when it's safe to do so.
B. Stop only if cars are approaching the intersection.
C. Stop only if cars are already in the intersection.
D. Slow down and be prepared to stop if necessary.

2. You must yield the right-of-way to an approaching vehicle when you are:
A. Already in a traffic circle.
B. Already in an intersection.
C. Going straight ahead.
D. Turning left.

3. Most drivers _________ the actual risk involved in driving:
A. Overestimate
B. Underestimate
C. Accurately estimate
D. Anticipate

4. If stopped by a police officer, what should you do?
A. Unbuckle your seat belt and lower your window.
B. Get your drivers license and insurance ready.
C. Stay in your vehicle with your hands on the steering wheel.
D. Get out of your car, and walk toward the patrol car.

5. On long trips you can prevent drowsiness by:
A. Turning up your car radio.
B. Slowing down so you can react better.
C. Stopping at regular intervals for a rest.
D. Stretching your eyes open.

6. Drinking coffee after drinking alcohol:
A. Decreases blood alcohol content.
B. Cancels the effect of the alcohol.
C. Has no effect on blood alcohol content.
D. Increases blood alcohol content.

7. If your car starts to skid on a slippery road, what should you do?
A. Brake quickly and keep the wheel straight.
B. Lock your brakes until you have come to a complete stop.
C. Steer in the direction you want the front wheels to go.
D. Steer toward the side of the road to get off the wet pavement.

8. Attempting to start an engine that is already running may result in:
A. Warning lights
B. Electrical system damage
C. Starter motor damage
D. Selector lever damage

9. You have the right of way when you are:
A. Entering a traffic circle
B. Backing out of a driveway
C. Leaving a parking space
D. Already in a traffic circle

10. Doubling your speed multiplies your stopping distance by:
A. Stopping distance remains constant.
B. Twice as much.
C. Three times as much.
D. Four times as much.

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