Paramedic Training - Test 2

1. How may you best stop the bleeding from a knife wound?
    A. indirect pressure
    B. direct pressure
    C. use a tourniquet
    D. longitudinal pressure

2. Which of the following is not a vital function of the kidneys?
    A. secretion
    B. reabsorption
    C. transport
    D. filtration

3. Organs repair themselves through a process of?
    A. meiosis
    B. mitosis
    C. cellular differentiation
    D. transformation

4. Which of the following is not directly related to a drug toxicity of Nitroglycerin?
    A. headaches
    B. tachycardia
    C. dizziness
    D. projectile vomiting

5. The first step in treating a patient who loses consciousness is to:
    A. obtain a pulse
    B. assess breathing
    C. attach an external defibrillator
    D. open the airway

6. Wrist extensors are primarily controlled by what nerve?
    A. radial
    B. ulnar
    C. median
    D. tibial

7. The symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning closely resemble those of:
    A. smoke inhalation
    B. flu
    C. food poisoning
    D. drug overdose

8. Which of the following is the antidote for the ingestion of lead?
    A. Naloxone
    B. nitrite
    C. CaEDTA
    D. dialysis

9. The functional unit of the kidney is the?
    A. medulla
    B. glomerulus
    C. axon
    D. nephron

10. Hardening of the arteries is known as:
    A. atheriosclerosis
    B. venous narrowing
    C. hyper-circulation
    D. hypertension

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