World History - Test 2

1. After the fall of Rome, the eastern portion of the Roman Empire became known as the:
A. Persian Empire
B. Byzantine Empire
C. Mongol Empire
D. Gupta Empire

2. What did the actions of the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia result in?
A. Independence
B. Segregation
C. Genocide
D. Productivity

3. The code of bushido of the Japanese samurai is most similar to:
A. Belief in reincarnation and karma of Hindus
B. Practice of chivalry by European knights
C. Teachings of Judaism
D. Theory of natural rights of the Enlightenment writers

4. Which geographic factor has had the most influence on Poland's historical and cultural development?
A. A severe climate
B. Vast deposits of oil
C. Location on the great European Plain
D. A rugged coastline

5. The Russian steppe is most similar in topography to the:
A. Savannas in Africa
B. Mountains in Switzerland
C. Deserts in the Middle East
D. Rainforests in South America

6. Throughout the 1800s, Russia was interested in acquiring Turkey because Russia wanted:
A. To maintain peace in the Middle East
B. Access to the Mediterranean Sea
C. To reestablish the Byzantine Empire
D. The rich farmland of the Anatolian Plateau

7. Singapore and Hong Kong have become major economic powers because of:
A. Abundant mineral resources
B. Imported cheap labor
C. Agricultural surpluses
D. International trade routes

8. The emergence of Japan as a world economic power has been based mostly on Japan's:
A. Business enterprise
B. Nuclear power
C. Fossil fuels
D. Military rule

9. Which factor has been most responsible for the culture found in Japan?
A. Religious diversity
B. Democracy
C. Ethnic homogeneity
D. Political instability

10. Which ancient civilization established the basis of western democracy?
A. Phoenician
B. Egyptian
C. Sumerian
D. Greek

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