
- purification, filtration, ganja
- filtration, reclamation, recycling
- passive solar
- boiling, steam
- sonic enhancement
- vortex activation
- ionization
Big plastic containers, for rain water storage
Water filter for kitchen sink

Water Heater, pump for shower
Need a large, abundant source of clean, fresh drinking water.

water well, mechanical pump, can turn by using buffalo, cow, donkey (goat, pig)

solar water purification
water condensation from air
microfiltration to remove nanoplastics and other contaminants in water. also, drill deep well and analyze the water, energize and purify, get off the plastic bottles of water.

water tanks, artesian well
Water supply, purification
clean, drinkable water
water purification, filtration
how to make a high-quality water filter
solar mirrors, can focus high heat, boil water
large blue water jugs for drinking water to boil
hot water, black pipes
underground cement cistern

Portable water purification, water-collection during rainy season, water reclamation

Treat water with sound or other frequency inputs.

Water filtration, chelation with parsley and herbs, electrolysis, plasma air, water, used to stimulate plant growth, vortex, filtration, bacterial cleansing, microbes, DNA protein water purification

Screw-on water-filter for tap water (pvc-attachment with threads, fill with mycelium & activated charcoal
Water stimulation and augmentation, sound, pyramids, toroid and conical rotating, spiraling, spherical rotational motion. ionization, minerals, alkalinity(ph) vs acidity, organic filtration, Biofiltration of Water

Water moving at right angles to the lines of a magnetic field have a similar effect as pyramidal chare powerful magnetic fields is there a limit to the amount of growth achieved? Suggests experiments.

Revitalizing 'tired' water with vortex pathways, natural filtration, re-energizing

Biofiltration, clean water - Uzair Mohammed

Water Ionization

Plasma activated water: nature's answer to chemical pesticides | Paul Leenders

- Water quality, enhancement, vortex, pH, ionization
- Water storage, cement containers in-ground, plastic tanks above ground
- Purification
- Desalination

Energized water, ionizers, waterfalls, water hitting metal plates, fountains
solar stills, condensation at night.

- Calvin Rieder - water condensation, at night, dewpoint, water purification, solar still

- Dew-Collecting Greenhouse - Grows Veggies in the Desert

- well location
- well digging
- well drilling equipment
- water tower
- water tank
- Backhoe digging pond, and using dirt to raise or balance level of all our land.
- water lines
- pumps
- irrigation
- water purification

- Deep artesian well for cleaner water

Water transport systems, passive solar, irrigation, simple at first, increase porous quality and drainage of our soils, back to the ponds, plastic liners, other natural materials, to reclaim the runoff

- $50 Water Turbine

water wheels

Viktor Schauberger, an Austrian forester who observed the effects of nature-especially of water, developed a revolutionary vortex motor in 1940 called the Repulsin(e). The first model, the Repulsin A was a colloidal disc motor that utilized air and water contained in a copper casing to produce a mini-tornado, or vortex, inside the machine that caused levitation at some point.


- water witching, well digging
Primary Water
Pal Pauer
Stephan Riess
Morad Eghbal


- Viktor Schauberger -
  1. Vortex principles in water dynamics.
  2. Spiral motion as the natural energy pattern.
  3. Biomimicry in engineering designs.
  4. Enhanced water revitalization techniques.
  5. Magnetic water treatment for better crop growth.
  6. Alternative methods for water purification.
  7. Copper tools for agriculture to prevent soil damage.
  8. Non-linear energy transfer methods.
  9. Free-energy devices inspired by nature.
  10. Temperature-based water flow optimization.
  11. Water structuring to enhance its quality.
  12. Water turbine designs mimicking natural flow.
  13. Natural cooling and heating systems.
  14. Improved irrigation systems for farming.
  15. Soil fertility enhancement through energized water.
  16. Harnessing Earth's electromagnetic energy.
  17. Water as a living substance.
  18. Utilizing temperature gradients for power.
  19. Techniques to restore polluted rivers.
  20. Anti-gravity flight mechanisms inspired by nature.
  21. Anti-gravity principles through implosion.
  22. Spiral pipe designs for efficient water flow.
  23. Avoiding water stagnation through movement.
  24. Techniques for water aeration.
  25. Dynamic water storage designs.
  26. Nature-inspired architecture concepts.
  27. Harnessing the healing properties of water.
  28. Innovative wind-power designs.
  29. Resonance-based energy extraction.
  30. Implosion-driven propulsion systems.
  31. Renewable energy concepts rooted in implosion.
  32. Non-mechanical energy transfer devices.
  33. Implosion-based cooling systems.

First and foremost, water should be protected from sunlight and kept in the dark, far removed from all sources of heat, light and atmospheric influences. Ideally it should be placed in opaque, porous containers, which on the one hand cut out all direct light and heat, and on the other, allow the water to breathe, which in common with all other living things, it must do in order to stay alive and healthy.

Storage vessels, tanks, etc., must be thoroughly insulated, so that the contained water or other organic foodstuffs are maintained at the coolest temperature possible under the prevailing conditions. The materials most suited to this are natural stone, timber (wooden barrels) and terracotta. Perhaps more than any other material, terracotta has been used for this pur- pose for millennia. Terracotta exhibits a porosity particularly well-suited to purposes of water storage. This is because it enables a very small percentage of the contained water to evaporate via the vessel walls. Evaporation is always associated with cooling (vaporisation, however, with heat) and, according to Walter Schauberger (Viktor's physicist son), if the porosity is correct, then for every 600th part of the contents evaporated, the contents.

Contents will be cooled by 1C (1.8F), thus approaching a temperature of +4C (+39.2F). While the material for the construction of a water-storage vessel has been described above, another important factor is the actual shape of the contaier itself. Most of the storage containers commonly in use today take the form of cubes, rectangular volumes of one form or another, or cylinders. While these are the shapes most easily and economically produced by today's technology, they do have certain drawbacks in terms of impeding natural water circulation and water suffocation. Due to their rectangular shape and/or right-angled corners, certain stagnant zones are created, conducive to the formation of pathogenic bacteria. Moreover, since the materials used are generally galvanised iron, fibre glass, concrete, etc., i.e. all impervious materials, the contained water is unable to breathe adequately and suffocates as a result. In this debilitated state or as a water-corpse, it is no longer either healthy or health-giving and may require further disinfection.

Cubes and cylinders mentioned above have no place in Nature's scheme of things. Instead, eggs and elongated egg-shapes such as grains and seeds are employed, presumably because Nature in her wisdom has determined that these produce the optimal results. Historically speaking, it is evident that earlier civilisations such as the Egyptians and Greeks, renowned for their logic and constructional ability, were well aware of this, because they stored their grains and liquids (oils, wines, etc.) in terracotta amphorae, sealed with beeswax. In many amphorae that have surfaced in archaeological excavations over the last 100 years or so, grains of wheat have been found that were still viable and even after storage over 2,000 years, grew when planted.


passive solar to boil watr wityh focused sun rays

Frequency resonance to boil water, likely dissonant multiple high-frequency inputs (sound)

Radio waves to boil water, or reduce activation energy to boil.

https://www.bitchute.com/video/Y2rtvZuMGhgg/ generates steam by pulverizing water, steel drum with angled holes, fits tightly in steel cylinder, rotated by small electric motor

Water hammer effect is real, everyone has heard water pipes banging... that is the oxygen separating... sonoluminescence is estimated to reach 1 million degrees for a very small fraction of a second, this rotating drum is causing that natural effect.

For example, water heated to boiling expands 1600 times in volume, volumetrically 3 times more powerful than gasoline combusting. If you use the steam's pressure to turn a generator, the steam exhaust can flow through heat exchangers to drop the temperature a few degrees to collect hot water that needs minimal BTU to boil again.


Stanley Meyer - water-powered engine

Aaron Salter Jr - water-powered engine

Adding ethanol to the water before splitting (with electricity, radio waves) lowered the amount of energy needed to make the reaction work.

water also turns out to be fuel, as it contains hydrogen and oxygen, which burn cleanly if separated by electrolysis or other elemental reactions, perhaps using magnification of the sun's rays using simple lenses, mirrors, prisms, crystals and other stable configurations that don't consume energy themselves to function. moreover, given Tesla's work, there are electrical and vibrational functions that need exploring. rivers, pyramids, sound, earth's fields, lightning

- Hydrogen & Oxygen -

Dr. Andrija K. Puharich, born in 1918 in Chicago, has many inventions in the medical field. Andrija Puharich had great admiration for the Serbian scientist Dr. Nikola Tesla (1856-1943) for his research on low frequency electromagnetic (ELF). An important invention of Puharich, in 1983, was the splitting of water molecules into hydrogen and oxygen by means of powerful resonance resulting in an environmentally friendly fuel made of water. A critical resonance in water molecules, induced by strong alternating current impulses, which was self-reinforcing. The 'breaking' of water through powerful resonance is not accepted by current science as a method for the production of hydrogen, but this is exactly what took place in the resonance chamber of the Great Pyramid. It is here applied for the cleanest possible way to produce a very valuable fuel from the pure water.

The water molecules are 'broken' and the chambers and passages located above the grotto (water seal or valve) in the well shaft of the Great Pyramid are filled with the hydrogen gas and oxygen gas mixture. In the resonance chamber (King's Chamber) of the Great Pyramid, which is completely filled with water vapour, the water will decompose by resonance instead of electricity, but finds the same reaction as for the electrolysis of water: 2H2O ? 2H2 + O2 (hydrogen and oxygen from water). Image 9. Water (blue), water vapour (yellow) and hydrogen and oxygen (red) In a fuel cell a reverse reaction takes place and therefore we call it reverse electrolysis. In this case hydrogen and oxygen are guided to a cathode and an anode that are separated to each other by a membrane, and there an electric current starts to flow from the anode to the cathode. Chemical energy is converted into electrical energy using heat, and water is released. The water is thereby the waste or residue. This reaction takes place in the two shafts of the reaction chamber or Queen's Chamber.

The two electrodes (cathode and anode) are still present in the shafts (image 10). Image 10. The electrodes in the shafts of the Queens Chamber An important application of the fuel cell is the oxyhydrogen cell in which oxygen and hydrogen react with each other directly without membrane. This application without membrane takes place in the reaction shafts of the reaction chamber (Queen's Chamber) and the two shafts act as oxy hydrogen cells. The gas flow of hydrogen and oxygen is led along both electrodes with the conductive connecting liquid (electrolyte) water vapour, which contains dissolved sodium chloride or table salt NaCl. An electrolyte is the conductive medium that forms the connection between the two electrodes (anode and cathode), and in this case it is sodium chloride NaCl dissolved in water (vapour), which is a very strong electrolyte.

Salt (NaCl) is very well soluble, and that portion which has been dissolved in water is completely split into ions so that the solution can be electrically conductive. Electrolyte solutions can be formed as a salt (for example, NaCl) and is placed in a solvent such as water. The first researchers found a 1.27-inch thick salt layer on the walls of the Queen's Chamber. Nowhere else in the Great Pyramid was salt found and they could not suspect what the salt was used for. The builders of the Great Pyramid show us how hydrogen can be produced without the use of electricity and in this way give us the opportunity to let go present destructive explosion technology. Clean energy from the resonant frequency of our own Earth. As discovered and implemented by Nikola Tesla and Andrija Puharich.

Resonance splitting water molecules and produces energy from water - the most advanced technology through clean, pure and subtle energy. What reveals the presence of hydrogen in the King's-or resonance chamber? A modern radar installation transmits electromagnetic radiation and receives the radiation reflected back by objects via an antenna. This electromagnetic radiation is guided from the radar installation to and from the antenna via a so-called waveguide. Such a waveguide is suited for the rapid transit of electromagnetic radiation of a specific wavelength.

Masaru Emoto's water crystal experiments involved exposing water to different words, pictures, or music, then freezing it and examining the ice crystals under a microscope. Emoto claimed that the water's physical structure changed based on the emotional "energies" and "vibrations" it was exposed to. He believed that positive words and emotions produced beautiful crystals, while negative words and emotions produced ugly crystals. Water's role in reality: Emoto believed that water was a "blueprint for our reality". Water's response to vibrations: Emoto believed that different vibrations affected the shape of water, and that positive vibrations created positive results. Water's response to words: Emoto believed that water reacted to positive and negative words accordingly. For example, he exposed two jars of water to different words, one with words of love, encouragement, and affirmation, and the other with words of hate, dislike, and condemnation. Water's response to music: Emoto believed that classical music produced beautiful crystals, while crude music, such as heavy metal, produced ugly crystals. Water's response to pictures: Emoto believed that pictures had a similar effect to words and music. Water's response to electromagnetic waves: Emoto believed that exposing water to ultraviolet light or certain electromagnetic waves could eliminate changes to the water's structure.


Dr Mikovits also writes about deuterium depleted water as a cure.

Here is how to make deuterium depleted water at home in your freezer. Putting the water in your freezer until it begins to freeze is a great way to remove the deuterium from your water, because the freezing point of deuterium is higher than the freezing point of water, which means it will freeze first.

After the water has begun to freeze, new drain off the water into another container, and through the ice away. The remainder will be DDW water. The ice contains the deuterium, so throwing it away will reduce the deuterium count in the water that remains


Viktor Schauberger
Temperature of water storage
Water Storage containers, cement, underground, circular
Vortex Water Energization

Salinity, Purity
Vortex, Energization
Plasma, Ionization, Mineralization

Artesian Water Well
Water Well Drilling

Water Lines

two reservoirs, one a a height of 2 meters or more, and one built into the ground, to receive the water runoff, and keep the temperature down.

water falling from a height, hitting a metal box with tall sides passively aerates the water, and may ionize.

add vortex-shaped conduit to energize the water

Pumps (can be Submersible)

Water Reservoir
- Water purification, pH levels
Nutrient Monitoring
Water Delivery
Water Recovery
Submerged roots may cause root rot, so need to monitor algae, microfungi, and potentially add anti-fungal or specially-designed supplements.
Monitor nutrient levels and pH closely.
Ensure manual backup procedures in the case of a power outage.
Water should not be allowed to build up inside PVC tubing.
Ensure plant roots don't clog PVC tubing, or drainage areas.
Drippers must be kept open, free of clogging material.

Plastic Pipe and Fittings: For those who want to replicate NFT systems using the white plastic drain pipe commonly seen in the U.S, then investing in drain pipes, 90-degree bends, and stopper caps can be purchased relatively cheaply. As long as they are thoroughly cleaned between harvests, using 10% strength hydrogen peroxide, then they should last a lifetime.

Spray Nozzles: This is only for low pressure aeroponic systems and is attached to a tube which fits to the water pump. When the pump is switched on the water is ggressively sprayed around the roots of the plants and the basis of an aero-cloner .

Drip Lines / Drip Rings: Setting up drip lines with either stakes or a drip ring is easy to do, and once they are in place should require very little maintenance. Drip rings can be better at distributing hydroponic Cannabis nutrients.

15-Minute Segment Timer: The same type of timers used for your grow lights that will be used to drip feed the Cannabis plants for 15-minute intervals. Drip systems and low pressure aeroponic systems require frequent feeding schedules, whilst DWC and NFT remain circulating permanently allowing the roots to be sat in the oxygen-rich hydroponic Cannabis nutrients.

Water Pump: can pump between 400-800 litres of water per hour.
buy a back-up pump too. If the pump stops working, it will cause issues.

Light Proof Tub: sourcing a tub that will act as the reservoir for your hydroponic cannabis nutrients is next. This may be a 20L black tub that will be converted into DWC (Deep Water Culture) systems, or it may be a black coloured 50L plastic tub. The lid from the tub is what can be used to turn the system from a top dripper system to an aeroponic / DWC or aeroponic cloning station.

Plastic tubing, splitters, spreay heads, misters, drip heads (holes in the line)


Oxygenation of the water using a aerator, like in a fish tank

Air Pump: providing dissolved oxygen in the water.

Air Stones: connect to the air pump and supply bubbles and dissolved oxygen. have extra clean air stones on standby.

Although air stones do not generate oxygen, an external air pump should be attached through an opaque food-grade plastic tube (opacity will prevent algae growth).

MISTING, like you see on a restaurant in hot weather. Fine mist spray provides both water (foliar watering) as welll as dissolved oxygen. Moreover, misting appears to be key in the cloning process.


Misting Systems, especially on Clones, Seedlings
Flowering, especially Indica, requires low humidity
Air Circulation, Fans



Need passive temperature control. such as misting systems, or water falling from a height, splattering on a metal plate, and reflacted onto the plant growing area. Air ciculation, heat transfer systems, heat sinks, cement blocks.

Evaporative Systems