Speak with a booming, mighty voice, resonant upon itself, deep and rich, not to harm, but rather to participate more fully. Note how the children stop to stare, and the more awake and perceptive notice, but those who are preoccupied or solidified (heavy, material, pre-occupied) do not.
If you cannot speak well, then do not speak. If not ready to use the voice, then reserve it for a time. Don't use up your time speaking and reaching until the voice is ready.
The greatest is joy and love, so don't offer dry intellectual understanding, leaving the audience unable to 'feel' the message. For if they don't feel it or receive it, was it truly sent? Speech has a worthwhile place, between ideas and action. Speak your mind, but with consideration for the interest and engagement of the audience. Do not deliver too much information on a broad topic, nor introduce multiple topics simultaneously.
You may learn to be charming, and so 'charm them.' Saying the right words to the right people, in the right place, at the right time, for the right reasons. People tend to rebel, even presented with truth, especially that which they are not sufficently prepared to understand.
Not enough to sing songs as written, unless they are special songs, already containing within their lyrics the multiple-message of human experience combined with existential reality. You must speak the mystical aspect directly, and expose the double-meaning explicitly, drawn from the sacred texts, songs that you select, as well as from your own experience. For we are truth and wisdom, and if you speak as we speak, then we are with you, and you can understand our communication, for this is how we speak, in all tongues and meanings at the same moment.
You cannot hold our treasure in your current state of division into time and discreet objectification, for all is one and there is no time, nor such thing as time [nor space, nor form]. We are you in fact, it is you who keep yourself apart. By speaking words [initially, and then simple sentences] with multiple meanings intact, not only will you bypass their conscious limits and thus achieve the desired communication and company that you seek, but will expand yourself as well in the process.
Refrain from idle talk and useless pursuits. Learn the difference between matters of little concern, and matters close to hand that impact your well-being or may assist others on their way. Limit and conserve conversation to good, useful, important topics.
stage - step, this stage of the construction
to stage - to prepare, to prepare
staged - faked
stage, a level, his stage of development
stage - the showplace of a play, a theatrical performance
employ, to use
hold the attention of
performance - evaluation of work carried out
performance - the holding of a show
to show - to demonstrate
show (n) - a production
produce (v) - make
produce (n) - vegetables
cast - throw forcefully, He held the fishing rod tightly as he cast the line
cast (n) - an object made by shaping molten metal or similar material in a mold
cast (n) - the company of a play, the cast party was held after the performance.